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Nov 1, 2009

california road trippin' ~ day 3

on our second day in sequoia, a ranger recommended we take the country road to enter kings canyon, which is on the national park on the northern side of sequoia. we took the 216 and somewhere along the way, the road forks and i took the wrong path. we ended up an hour away from where we needed to be, in a farming town. we only realized we had gone in the wrong direction when i stopped to get gas and to asked where we were.

although we lost some time getting to kings canyon, the drive down the country road was so worth it. there was so much to see and i couldnt help but stop often to snap some shots. these are definitely things we wouldnt see from the side of a road around here (in l.a., that is).

it was pretty late in the afternoon when we arrived at the entrance of kings canyon. we only had time to see the sequoias of grant grove, which was the first stop in the park. a tree, called general grant is also known as the nation's christmas tree. the impressive tree, which is over 247 feet tall and 40 feet wide, was dedicated as the nation's christmas tree in april 1926. after our short walk through grants grove, we headed back for town, taking a different route. we went back via sequoia and not the country road we entered through. we caught a glimpse of the moon while the sun was still up. very cool.

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