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Aug 18, 2009

turning three

...can be such an exciting time! if you ask me, they are at their most adorable and funny. hopefully, i captured a bit of that in mr. G. He is so photogenic!
thank you, sonia and pablo for giving me the honor to document your family's memories!

with daddy and mommy. this is where he gets his good looks, of course.

learning how to chew gum...but first, you have to unwrap it. :)

Aug 11, 2009


a few from an unexpected session i did a few weeks ago...
(click photo to see larger!)

for more photos, click on one of the links to the left!

Aug 8, 2009

welcome to my photography blog!

i've decided to start a blog for my photography!! yes, finally, i know!
besides my flickr photostream, you can also follow my latest photo sessions here. in addition, i will share moments in between the shoots...moments of inspiration, frolic, and discovery. thank you to family, friends, and talented photographers who continue to inspire and motivate me! i hope you know who you are!
this blog is dedicated to you.

with love and gratitude,

p.s. you can check out photos from my travels by clicking on "portfolio slideshow" to the left (be sure to uncheck the embiggen box under options).
you can also find my flickr link below the slideshow. thanks for stopping by!

this morning i had the pleasure of doing a brief session with tammy and jesse, and their new bundle of joy.
their baby girl is a doll! thank you, guys, for sharing your morning and smiles with me!
here are a few of my favorites from today...
(for larger size, click on photo!)